Hello! This is Mostafa.

Welcome to my portfolio!
Let me tell you a little bit about me, what I have done and what I currently do.

Here's a bit about me
Indie Game Developer

Computer Science is the only subject that interested me so I went for that as my Majors. However, though I have been an avid gamer, and found game development to be one of the areas I wanted to focus on, this subject was not there in the University I studied in. For my passion I took online courses, and I finally decided to take the step during my Masters. I have been developing software for more than 4 years, but now my main focus is video games. I like to teach people and share my knowledge with them. I co-founded Circetech very recently where we develop websites, mobile and VR applications to name a few. Currently, I am finishing up my first mobile game and I aim to launch it by mid March 2021. In my free time I like to spend time with my family and watch soccer games.


Web Development

I can develop websites using React, HTML, CSS, JavaScript & PHP

Game Development

I can develop 2D or 3D games including VR games using the Unity game engine

Mobile App Development

I can develop mobile apps using React Native and Android

Database Design & Management

I can design and manage databases using MySQL and Firebase

Machine Learning

I have some experience in Machine Learning development using Python and Kaggle

Information Visualization

I can analyze data and visualize it as infographics to make it more easy to understand and interpret 

Presentation Skills 

I can present my ideas clearly through clear presentation slides and proper delivery


28 July 2018
University of Nottingham Malaysia

BSc (Hons) Software Engineering

Graduated with a First class classification

MSc Computer Science

Graduated with a distinction classification

22 February 2020
University of Nottingham Malaysia

8 September 2020
University of Nottingham Malaysia

Progressed from MPhil to PhD

Managed to pass the MPhil year and progressed to PhD on a full merit scholarship


Here are some of the projects that I have worked on over the past few years.

Screenshot from the oil rig VR game
Oil rig VR game

I developed this game for a research project in the University of Nottingham Malaysia where participants got to learn about oil rigs through a story driven VR game. The research done using this game is currently under review after for a journal publication in a Q1 journal.

Stereochemistry VR game

Also developed this game for a research project in the University of Nottingham Malaysia. The game aims in aiding students visualize complex elements.

Screenshot of stereochemistry VR game
Screenshot from the IoT serious cultural game
IoT serious cultural game

Developed this game for a research study in the University of Nottingham Malaysia and currently writing a journal paper based on the research done. The game allowed players to use RFID cards to interact.

Supergreen DCD Sdn. Bhd. website

Developed a commercial website for Supergreen DCD Sdn. Bhd. as a freelance contract with my co-founded company.

Screenshot of Supergreen DCD website
Screenshot from the Iskandar Chamber of Commerce website
Iskandar Chamber of Commerce website

Developed a commercial website for the Iskandar Chamber of Commerce as a freelance contract with my co-founded company.

More projects..
Screenshot of adaptive learning system
Adaptive learning System

Developed an adaptive learning system using React and Firebase for a researcher in the University of Nottingham Malaysia. As the research is ongoing, cannot provide site link.

Screenshot of e-portfolio site
University e-portfolio

Developed an e-portfolio system to measure professional competencies using React and Firebase for a research project in the University of Nottingham Malaysia. As the research is ongoing, cannot provide site link.


Things I am proud of

Q1 publication

Co-authored a journal paper that is currently being reviewed by a Q1 education journal after submitting the first revision.

Full PhD scholarship

Secured a full PhD scholarship in a top 1% in the world University.

Contact Me

Feel free to contact me through LinkedIn or email for opportunities, collaborations, etc..





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